
How to track work time of a field employee?

There are several ways to track the work time of a field employee: Timesheets: Field employees can fill out time sheets that detail the hours they have worked each day, including the start and end times of their work shift. Time clocks: Some organizations may use time clocks, which employees...

Pros of SaaS licensed software in your company

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which a software application is provided to customers over the internet, on a subscription basis. SaaS licenses have several potential benefits: Reduced upfront costs: With SaaS, there is no need to purchase and install software on individual computers, which...

How to estimate construction/building project?

To estimate a construction project, the following steps can be taken: Define the scope of work: The first step in estimating a construction project is to clearly define the scope of work. This includes identifying all the tasks and activities that need to be completed as part of the project....

How to control a construction project so as not to exceed the budget?

There are several strategies that can help a construction project stay within budget: Create a detailed project budget: A detailed project budget that includes all expected costs and a contingency fund can help ensure that the project stays within budget. Monitor project costs: Regularly monitoring project costs and comparing them...

Employees resource planning in building industry

Employee resource planning in the building industry refers to the process of managing employees, their skills, and work time in order to complete building projects. Employee resource planning is important in the building industry because building projects are complex and require a wide range of skills and specialized knowledge. Some...

What is ERP software?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is a type of business management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back-office functions related to technology, services, and human resources. ERP software typically includes modules for managing and integrating financials, accounting,...

What is CRM?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that refers to practices, strategies, and technologies that businesses use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal of CRM is to improve customer relationships and increase customer loyalty by organizing and automating business processes, such as...

Secure two-step login (2FA)

We introduce the possibility of securing your account in the application through two-step authorization.To secure your account, go to your user's settings: Then select the 2FA option: Scan the generated QR code in one of the supported applications and confirm the setting by entering the one-time code in the...

Equipment in the mobile app

The latest version of our mobile application brings the ability to send requests for equipment needed on the project by field workers. They can also extend the return date or order pick up of equipment.

Pricing changes

Due to the difficulties in understanding the price list, it has been simplified and the prices for all our existing customers have been lowered to the new price list. The main change in the new pricing model is a flat and low rate per user instead of dynamically calculated. In...

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